In the Great Apache Forest

4,99 zł

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This book brings us the story of George Crosby, the Lone Boy Scout. George Crosby was born and has lived all of his seventeen years, in Greer, a settlement of a half-dozen pioneer families located on the Little Colorado River, in the White Mountains, Arizona. At the beginning of the Great War Geroge considered what he could do for the good cause. During the summer of 1918, the Supervisor of the Apache National Forest found himself woefully short of men, with the dreaded fire season coming on. Most of his rangers, fire lookouts, and patrols had gone to the war, and he could not find enough men of the right sort to take their place so George Crosby became a member of a troop of the Phoenix Boy Scouts of America. Contents: Alone on Mount Thomas The Mountain Cave The Firebugs at Work Hunting the Deserter The People-of-Peace The Wrongs of the Hopis The Old Men in Rain God's Cave The Death of Old Double Killer The Bear Skin Is Stolen Catching the Firebugs

In the Great Apache Forest

This book brings us the story of George Crosby, the Lone Boy Scout. George Crosby was born and has lived all of his seventeen years, in Greer, a settlement of a half-dozen pioneer families located on the Little Colorado River, in the White Mountains, Arizona. At the beginning of the Great War Geroge considered what he could do for the good cause. During the summer of 1918, the Supervisor of the Apache National Forest found himself woefully short of men, with the dreaded fire season coming on. Most of his rangers, fire lookouts, and patrols had gone to the war, and he could not find enough men of the right sort to take their place so George Crosby became a member of a troop of the Phoenix Boy Scouts of America. Contents: Alone on Mount Thomas The Mountain Cave The Firebugs at Work Hunting the Deserter The People-of-Peace The Wrongs of the Hopis The Old Men in Rain God's Cave The Death of Old Double Killer The Bear Skin Is Stolen Catching the Firebugs

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